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Why Hasnt the Irigional Muppet Babies Been Rereleased

Clockwise from pinnacle left: Fozzie Bear, Kermit, Gonzo, Rowlf, Animate being, Skeeter, Scooter. In the middle (with the volume): Miss Piggy.

Muppet Babies (1984-1990) was 1 of the few well-received Spinoff Babies conversions, partially because it was one of the beginning. Spinning off from The Muppet Show, the show's premise was a takeoff from a sequence in The Muppets Take Manhattan involving baby-versions of the characters, itself later referred to in an agreeable callback. It too naturally spawned a side franchise of children's books.

Aside from the original Nanny grapheme, whose face was never seen, it featured most of the big Muppet celebrities (Scooter's hitherto unknown sister Skeeter yet) discovering quite mundane things and budgeted them in a precocious, childlike way — earlier completely blowing them out of proportion with their overactive imaginations. The Once an Episode random song and trademark gimmick of spliced Live Action Stock Footage (1 of the main factors that has prevented information technology from getting an official DVD release) gave it a rather surreal quality, too. And despite beingness a Sat morning spinoff, information technology managed to contain all the wit and intelligence of its predecessor. Some fans fifty-fifty prefer it to the original Muppet Show. Information technology briefly gained a companion show in Niggling Muppet Monsters (running in an hour-long block as Muppets, Babies and Monsters), but that bear witness was speedily cancelled for diverse reasons.

Later seasons would characteristic guest appearances from other Muppet characters, including fan favorites Statler and Waldorf. The Babies also had a memorable advent in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue. For the 2018 CGI reboot from Disney Junior, run into Muppet Babies (2018).


  • Abandoned Mine: "Water Babies" begins with the kids pretending they are in such a mine (in reality, a series of paper-thin boxes) looking for treasure.
  • Adaptational Squeamish Guy: Statler and Waldorf, known for their constant heckling and snarky demeanor, are considerably nicer in this serial.
  • An Aesop: One episode details the babies trying to persuade Nanny not to proceed Vacation - but she mentions that every bit much as she loves the babies, sometimes adults need to have some time to themselves - and wouldn't cartel to proceed holiday without arranging for someone trustworthy to take care of the babies in her absenteeism.
  • Affirmative Action Girl: That was why Skeeter was made and put into the show. They didn't have too many female muppets also Miss Piggy to piece of work with.
  • Historic period Elevator: Scooter and Bean Bunny are around the same age as most of the other babies, and both older than Animal, whereas in the regular Muppet continuity Scooter is apparently a teenager and Edible bean is a child, while the rest are adults.
  • Alien Episode: In "From a Galaxy Far, Far Abroad", the babies pretend to be infinite creatures and are surprised when they find what they call back is a existent alien from Neptune. Information technology'southward actually a koala from a nearby zoo.
  • All Honey Is Unrequited: Gonzo is hopelessly in love with Piggy. Proverb the feelings aren't mutual is an understatement, as she thrashes him in render. See Mad Beloved below.
  • Amateur Motion picture-Making Plot: In "Gonzo's Video Show", Nanny gives the Muppets an old home flick camera to play with. After arguing about what kind of movie to make, they settle on doing their own version of the original Star Wars.
  • Animation Bump: The first three seasons were outsourced to Japan's Toei Animation (with the 3rd season looking the best out of the 3); the residuum of the serial at AKOM. The difference is that the blitheness for AKOM is that it has improve animation, though cheaper than Nihon, and slightly thinner outlines. The fifth season (1988) in particular stands out from the remainder of the seasons AKOM did.
  • Apple for Teacher: "Fozzie's Final Laugh" begins with the babies playing school. Piggy plays the teacher, and Fozzie gives her an apple, which he hid a prophylactic worm in to prank her with. Fozzie finds this prank funny, but Piggy certainly doesn't.
  • Ascended Extra: Rowlf, Scooter and Creature. They were inappreciably nobodies on The Muppet Show or in the first three movies, merely for many, it was this show that firmly put them into cadre graphic symbol territory with Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie and Gonzo.
  • The Artifact: The terminate credits theme from Season ii onwards is really that of Muppets, Babies and Monsters, the very short-lived pairing of Muppet Babies and Picayune Muppet Monsters. The castanets and trumpet solo at the end also come from that.
  • Art Shift: In most cases when we visit Animal's imagination, the artwork becomes very childish.
  • Balloonacy: In "Fun Park Fantasies", when the gang imagines they are at the fun park, Animate being grabs a agglomeration of balloons being sold to visitors and floats into the sky. Kermit and Miss Piggy, who are flight on one of the elephants from the fun park'south elephant ride, shoot peanuts out of the elephant's body to popular the balloons, causing Animal to fall dorsum down to the ground.
  • Banana Pare: The gag of slipping on a assistant peel is a major plot point in the episode "Slipping Dazzler." See Fractured Fairy Tale below.
  • Exist Conscientious What You Wish For: "Don't wish for elephants unless you own a zoo/ 'cause wishes accept a fashion of coming true!"
  • Beeping Computers: Scooter's calculator often makes beeping sounds whenever he uses information technology.
  • Large Eater:
    • Piggy, existence well, a grunter and all. One time, when the gang wanted some huckleberry muffins but they were all gone, Piggy demanded to know what happened to the rest of the muffins, with Nanny answered promptly to her, "You ate the last three."...much to Piggy blushing.
    • Brute even more so, and in his instance, he tin (and does) eat near ANYTHING.
  • Altogether Episode:
    • In "Scooter's Subconscious Talent", the gang makes an exercise bike every bit a birthday gift for Nanny. All of the babies assistance to build the bicycle except for Scooter, who starts to worry when he thinks he may non have a talent.
    • "Happy Birthday, Uncle Piggy" has the children help Nanny with a surprise birthday party for Statler.
  • Bond Gun Barrel: In the episode "Nice to Have Gnome You", the James Bond gun barrel sequence is briefly parodied at one point in the song "Bookah Bookah" by having Gonzo utilise a squirt gun on the gun barrel.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: At the end of "By the Book", Gonzo warns Animal to non say his catchphrase "Go adieu-good day!" considering everyone but got to sleep and he doesn't want to wake them upwards. Nonetheless, since Animal doesn't think what he says, Gonzo says the catchphrase and wakes anybody up anyhow.
  • Box-and-Stick Trap: In "Raiders of the Lost Muppet", the gang tries to use a box-and-stick trap to find Fauna, using cupcakes equally the allurement. Fozzie winds discovering the cupcakes and ends up in the trap by accident when he goes to eat them.
  • Brainy Baby: Bunsen is the same brilliant inventor he'southward always been, only smaller.
    • Also, Scooter, existence the little computer whiz he is.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: From the episode "Proficient Clean Fun"

    Fauna: Go good day cheerio!
    Piggy: No, Animal, the show's non over notwithstanding!
    Fauna: Pitiful.
    Piggy: It's ok.

    • At the end of The Case of the Missing Chicken, Kermit tells the audience not to worry about Gonzo; he'll exist okay past next week.
    • In the tertiary human activity of The Side by side Generation, the episode's writer is shamelessly and hilariously asking for more money!

    Piggy: I don't know who'due south writing this, but give him a big bonus!

  • Burping Competition: Animal holds this with rocks and some others in "Journey To The Heart Of The Nursery".
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • Near of the go bye adieu skits feature Brute playing some cruel prank on Gonzo and sending him flying Team Rocket-style.
    • Whenever Fozzie tells a joke, he's lucky if the worst reception he gets is mere booing.
    • Beaker, even as a baby, is notwithstanding ofttimes the unfortunate guinea sus scrofa for Bunsen's inventions. The most prominent example being the anti-nightmare device in "I Want My Muppet Television set"
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: In "Who'south Agape of the Big, Bad Dark?", when the babies are in the closet, there are a couple of shots where their eyes are the only visible objects.
  • Call-Forwards: This being a cartoon about the Muppets as children, it'due south no surprise that at that place are scenes alluding to what the characters will be like as adults.
    • Animal is occasionally seen playing drums and stating how much he loves drums, a call forward to how he'll be the drummer of Physician Teeth and the Electric Commotion.
    • "When You Wish Upon a Muppet" ends with Kermit wishing that he and his friends would grow up and make movies together. Nosotros fifty-fifty run across a clip from The Great Muppet Antic.
  • Calling Your Bath Breaks: In "The Transcontinental Whoo whoo", while Statler and Waldorf are telling the kids nigh railroad trains, Bean Bunny says, "This is disruptive. Which management is the bathroom?" And his friends tell him.
  • The Cameo:
    • Tom Selleck (in live activeness!) as a lovestruck fan of Piggy. It may have helped that both this and Magnum, P.I. were on CBS.
    • Stan Lee also makes a alive action cameo in the episode "Comic Capers" (this one was helped past the fact that Marvel Productions produced the prove).
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: Scooter is surprisingly worse at joke telling than Fozzie. While taking Fozzie'southward cue for telling the old "Why did the chicken cross the road" joke, he ends up getting hung up over whether or not the craven crossed at the crosswalk.
  • Canon Greenhorn: Skeeter, though an adult version of her has made appearances in The Muppet Show Comic Volume, then (depending on how much y'all're willing to have the comics or even that storyline as canon), she may be verging into Canon Immigrant territory.
  • Cartoon Bomb: In "What's New at the Zoo?", Fozzie imagines he is telling jokes to some laughing hyenas. The hyenas don't similar his joke and run away after he tells it, followed by Gonzo actualization out of nowhere as part of a bomb squad looking for a bomb that somehow got set off by Fozzie's joke. The side of the truck Gonzo rides has a drawing flop on it.
  • Catapult to Celebrity: In "From a Galaxy Far, Far Away", the gang makes a big catapult to launch the conflicting dorsum to its home planet of Neptune.
  • Catchphrase:
    • Someday Fozzie tells a joke, he says "Requite up?" before the punchline, and then says "Wocka wocka wocka!" later. The residuum of the babies yell "Fozzie!" when his joke sucks. He also says "I knew that" after someone corrects him.
    • Kermit says "Sheesh" when frustrated.
    • Piggy says "Yippee skippee!" when she's excited. And like her developed analogue, she normally refers to herself as "Moi."
    • Rowlf when excited says "Far out!"
    • Animal'due south favorite expression is his Signature Laugh, a grotesque "Yeah-yeah-yep-yeah-aye-yeah!"
    • Everytime Piggy abuses Gonzo in some way, he says, lovestruck, "Ooo-hoo! She touched/grabbed/squeezed my nose! She must exist in honey/into me/proposing spousal relationship/etc.!"
  • Grapheme Focus: While Gonzo was always a major character in the Muppet franchise, this show really gives him a lot of this, with numerous A Day in the Limelight episodes and prominent B-plots in others.
  • Chekhov'due south Gun: In the beginning of the episode "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Nighttime?," the kids play with Scooter's estimator pen with a glowing tip. By the end of the episode, it is used by Beaker to ward off and defeat a slime monster (a representation of his fearfulness of the night).
  • Chicken Joke:
    • In "Noisy Neighbors", Fozzie attempts to tell this joke to Animate being to get him to be quiet. It doesn't work - in fact, Fozzie doesn't even go far to the punchline before Animal starts to brand too much noise again.
    • In "The Weirdo Zone," in the "Attack of the Featherbrained Tomatoes" segment (which launched Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! back into the public consciousness), the radio announcer tells this joke and is promptly attacked past the tomatoes for information technology.
  • Cinderella Plot: In "Pigerella", the babies become impatient waiting for lunch, so Scooter and Skeeter sneak snacks from the kitchen against the wishes of both Nanny and Piggy. When Piggy tries to return the snacks to the kitchen, Nanny assumes that she was the one who snuck the snacks, makes her clean the kitchen past herself as punishment, and has Scooter and Skeeter supervise her. As Piggy cleans the kitchen, she complains that she's beingness treated like Cinderella, and an Imagine Spot occurs where Piggy is "Pigerella", Nanny is the wicked stepmother, and Skeeter and Scooter are the wicked stepsisters. In the end, the other babies assist Piggy clean up the mess and explain to Nanny that the mess was their error, not Piggy's, and then Nanny rewards them with a fruit salad for lunch.
  • Clingy Jealous Daughter: Piggy for Kermit. Like in The Muppet Show and the movies and...pretty much any Muppet franchise, don't you dare endeavour to come up betwixt Piggy and her Kermie. There were times when Skeeter tried to do that, though it may have been merely to mess with Piggy.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander:
    • Gonzo, every bit in all Muppet media, is portrayed equally the weirdest of the group.
    • Fozzie likewise qualifies to an extent. A minor running gag has the other babies react negatively to him abruptly making a very bizarre argument, similar challenge to aid himself slumber by counting baby ducks jumping over chili dogs into a basin of tapioca bumblebees rather than Counting Sheep.
  • Comic-Book Adaptation: A comic book based on this cartoon began publication in 1985 and ran for 26 issues. The first 17 issues were published past the at present defunct Star Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics, with the parent company handling the publication of the remaining 9 issues. There was also a version published by Curiosity U.k. that was published weekly and lasted 59 problems and a Summer Special ane-shot.
  • Companion Cube: Camilla exists in this series as a stuffed chick owned by Gonzo, who dotes on her almost as much as in regular continuity.
  • Company Cross References: In "The Daily Muppet", Oscar the Grouch, from fellow Jim Henson series Sesame Street, makes a cameo during the episode's vocal, "The Daily Muppet".
  • Competition Coupon Madness: "Six-to-Viii Weeks" has a scene of Fozzie explaining his convoluted theories on why some cereals offer free prizes in substitution for mailing box tops.
  • The Complainer Is Always Wrong: Fozzie Bear suffers this greatly, not simply from his friends just likewise from his imaginary audiences when they boo and throw tomatoes at him for every joke he tells to them, practiced or bad.
  • Continuity Snarl: Only if you consider the Refrigerator Logic: when is this show taking place, anyhow? Let'south not even get started on the later season that introduced Baby Bean Bunny; Bean's a immature child in the normal Muppets continuity! Or that fact that this was all just Piggy'southward dream sequence in the third film, but *actual backstory* in A Muppet Family Christmas. But await, that would contradict The Muppet Moving picture... yup, this is a milky way-sized snarl. It'southward somewhat justified, however, by the very nature of The Muppets. In pretty much every continuity they're entertainers, so any works that don't square with others tin exist called Mutually Fictional. Remember that The Muppet Motion-picture show itself includes a throwaway line indicating that liberties had been taken with the "existent" events.
  • Cool Quondam Guys: Statler and Waldorf had much softer personalities in this serial.
  • Cosmetically Advanced Prequel:
    • While The Muppet Show was set in the 1970s (the time it was ambulation), this show has baby Scooter with a personal reckoner, and it's clear that Star Wars and other tardily '70s/early '80s pop culture creations already be.
    • Interestingly, a proposed prequel blithe series (which was ultimately scrapped) would have shown the Muppets as teenagers in The '50s, fifty-fifty though (as The Muppets Take Manhattan makes clear) they graduated from higher in the early '80s.
  • Couch Gag: Animal'south "Go bye-bye!" stinger occurs in different settings and styles, based on the theme of the episode.
  • Counting Sheep:
    • In "Who's Afraid of the Large, Bad Night?", Gonzo asks Beaker if he'due south always counted sheep to help him get to sleep. He also asks if he'due south counted elephants, squirrels, and kangaroo rats. Fozzie and then says he e'er counts baby ducks jumping over chili dogs into a bowl of tapioca bumblebees. (Yep, we don't know either.)
    • "Muppet Goose" had Fozzie endeavour to count sheep, but was overwhelmed by how many sheep in that location were. Of course, information technology was all an Imagine Spot.
    • In "Gonzee'due south Playhouse Channel", Kermit and Scooter utilize paper purse puppets to play the respective roles of "Kert" and "Bernie" on Sesame Seed Boulevard. When Kert can't sleep, he tries to count sheep, but Bernie finds this a bad idea, since Scooter is allergic to sheep. When the sheep jump over the beds, Scooter sneezes, causing his Bernie puppet to wing off his paw.


  • Cousin Oliver: Played with, equally Edible bean Bunny joined the Babies in the 1989/1990 flavour. However, Edible bean was a well-established Muppet character in his own right, averting the trope.
  • Covered in Kisses: In "Piggy's Hyper-Activeness Volume", the babies pretend they are coloring each other with crayons in the coloring section of an activity book. After Gonzo sees Fozzie coloring Kermit blue and gets the thought to trick Piggy into thinking he's Kermit by coloring himself light-green, Piggy tells Kermit that she recognizes him no affair what color he is and kisses him several times on the head, leaving several visible lipmarks.
  • Cowardly Lion: Fozzie fits this bill, as he is shown to be quite fearful of different things. He even plays the Trope Namer in a The Wizard of Oz-esque Imagine Spot in "By the Book".
  • Beautiful Bruiser: Piggy. She's an adorable picayune piglet, only she has a bad temper and could possibly kick anyone'south butt. "Hi-YAH!"
  • Cut a Slice, Take the Residuum: In the episode "Happy Birthday, Uncle Piggy", the vocal "It'due south Difficult to Be as Wonderful equally Me" has a gag where Piggy "shares" a block by handing the other children a tiny slice while keeping the residual of the cake to herself.
  • Dame with a Case: An Imagine Spot in one episode involved Kermit equally a private heart with a dressed-up Piggy coming in and getting him onto a case.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Piggy will sometimes make dry remarks about the others, specially Gonzo's unrequited beat out on her and Fozzie'south inability to tell good jokes.
  • Detectives Follow Footprints: In "Of Mice and Muppets", Gonzo becomes a detective in order to search for Officer Carruthers' pet mouse Peewee, who Rowlf let out of his cage by blow. Gonzo notices some footprints leading straight out of Peewee's cage, follows them into the wall, and comes to the conclusion that Peewee is in the wall.
  • The Dentist Episode: "Dental Hyjinks" is virtually Fozzie getting a loose molar and being afraid to become to the dentist. Nanny ends up taking him to the dentist, leaving the others worried, but Fozzie ends up coming back perfectly fine.
  • Derailed Fairy Tale: "Snow White and the 7 Muppets" becomes one when Piggy, who was playing the Evil Queen against her will, realizes that Kermit (Prince Mannerly) volition exist kissing Skeeter-equally-Snowfall-White awake, so she starts (via narration) bringing in antagonists from other fairy tales to interrupt the last scene.
  • "Double, Double" Title: Of the triple variety. One episode is titled "Hats, Hats, Hats!"
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: Piggy on Gonzo. When Gonzo accidentally annoys her or ticks her off or when he shows romantic feelings to her, she'll thrash him or throw him across the room.
  • Double Have: In "Who'south Agape of the Big, Bad Dark?", Fozzie tries to indicate out that in that location's no such thing as slime monsters as the gang is being chased past one. The slime monster so appears next to him, Fozzie notices and tells it that he was agape it was the slime monster, and so realizes it is the slime monster and panics.
  • Dragged into Drag:
    • In "Pigerella", when Nanny accuses Piggy of sneaking snacks from the kitchen (when it was actually Scooter and Skeeter who did it, Piggy was trying to return them), she makes Piggy clean the kitchen by herself as punishment, and tells Scooter and Skeeter to keep an eye on Piggy. When Piggy complains well-nigh being treated like Cinderella, a Cinderella-esque Imagine Spot occurs, with Piggy every bit "Pigerella", and Skeeter and Scooter as the wicked stepsisters. Scooter'south not happy about having to wear a clothes, since he's a boy, just Skeeter reminds him that in the story, Cinderella had ii stepsisters, and then he reluctantly does as she says. Subsequently, when Prince Kermit V invites Scooter and Skeeter to the ball, Scooter tells Skeeter there's no way he'south wearing a dress to information technology. Skeeter then says he tin can always become without it, and takes off his dress, leaving him in his underwear. An embarrassed Scooter decides to wear the dress after all, and puts it dorsum on.
    • This becomes a Running Gag with Scooter throughout the series. Almost every time they need an actress daughter in an Imagine Spot, he gets stuck wearing a clothes. It'southward even lampshaded in "Babes in Troyland", where he insists that this time he's not playing a girl over again.
    • At one indicate in "Muppet Island", an Imagine Spot parodying Gilligan's Isle occurs. Equally Piggy is cast equally Ginger Grant, Skeeter is cast every bit Mrs. Howell, and the roles of the male characters are all taken past Fozzie, Kermit, Gonzo, and Scooter, Rowlf is cast as Mary Ann Summers, and he'due south non happy about information technology.
  • Dream Episode: In "Elm Street Babies", the babies have strange dreams, then they wake up in the center of the night and tell each other what happened in them. Kermit'due south dream involves the babies in the Wild W and him getting into a showdown with Gonzo, Rowlf'south dream involves him turning into a "wereboy" at a dog prom, Gonzo'southward dream is a spoof of Exit Information technology to Beaver, and Fozzie's dream is a spoof of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
  • Dream Reality Check: In "Of Mice and Muppets", Gonzo pinches himself several times to brand certain that he's not dreaming up the strange sound coming from under the crib.
  • Early Installment Character Pattern Difference: In the first issue of Star Comics/Marvel'due south comic book accommodation, Kermit was depicted going naked similar his adult self for some reason. The remainder of the comic had him clothing a sailor adapt like he did in the cartoon.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: In the starting time two episodes, Fozzie, Gonzo and Rowlf have deeper voices and audio closer to their developed selves. (Fozzie in particular sounds very much like he did in the kickoff season of The Muppet Bear witness.) The episode title music is also different.
  • Earth Vocal: The episode "Muppet Babies: The Adjacent Generation" ends with the song "The Future is Counting on You", which is all virtually protecting the Globe.
  • Every Episode Ending: Afterward the end credits, Animal always says "Become good day-bye!" in a different setting depending on the episode.
  • Everybody Cries: In "Raiders of the Lost Muppet", all the young muppets are in tears when they tin can't find Animal in a game of hide and seek.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Animal. If it's edible he'll eat information technology, if it's NOT edible he'll eat it, if information technology'due south something in-between he'll also eat that, if it'due south something in NONE of those three categories he'll eat that too.
  • The Confront of the Sun: In "Fun Park Fantasies", the babies are and then excited to go to the fun park that they imagine themselves at the fun park at nighttime. When Kermit tells Piggy that they're going to the fun park during the twenty-four hour period, Piggy imagines a sun with sunglasses and a mouth into the imaginary fun park.
  • The Faceless: Nanny. You never encounter anything virtually her shoulders, but she has very distinctive socks at least.
    • And all non-Muppet adults in the babies' fantasy sequences, although an adult's face is seen briefly from time to time.
  • Male parent, I Want to Marry My Brother:
    • Scooter and Skeeter play a married king and queen in two different "Sleeping Beauty" sequences, Mr. and Mrs. Howell in a Gilligan's Island parody, and Ward and June Cleaver note Interestingly enough, since Nanny is voiced by Barbara Billingsly. in a Leave Information technology to Beaver parody.
  • Feud Episode: In the episode "Fine Feathered Enemies", Nanny brings a parrot named Polly into the nursery and tells the babies that she's considering adopting him. When Gonzo lets Polly out of his cage, everyone starts to argue when they think the others are making fun of them, unaware that it's but Polly speaking. At the finish of the episode, the babies decide not to keep the bird because he talks too much.
  • Fiery Redhead: Skeeter is full of energy and spirit, and loves to have adventures. She's tomboyish, loves sports and oft ends upwardly ambivalent with Piggy.
  • First Day of Schoolhouse Episode: Two books based on the series, "I Tin can Go to Preschool" and "Baby Piggy Goes to Plant nursery Schoolhouse", focus on Kermit and Piggy's starting time days of preschool, respectively.
  • Flight Broomstick: In "By the Book", when the gang imagines themselves in The Wizard of Oz, Scooter appears as the Giddy Sorcerer of the South, who flies on a broomstick.
  • Flying Car: In "Out-of-This-World History", Gonzo appears in a flying auto to save the others from Queen Teacup on Planet X.
  • Follow the Billowy Ball: In "Musical Muppets", Bunsen invents a bouncing ball that bounces to the words of a song in this manner. Beaker tests out the brawl, so all of the on-screen lyrics appear as "meep".
  • Fractured Fairy Tale: Several times throughout the series. For instance, in "Slipping Beauty" instead pricking her finger to fall into a deep sleep equally in 'Sleeping Beauty', Piggy as the sleeping princess, slips onto a banana skin, falls and so goes into a deep sleep. Slipping Beauty.
  • Freudian Couch: In the episode "Remote Control Cornballs", the song "Is That What's Bugging You, Pearl?" has a scene where Piggy lies on a burrow while Rowlf plays psychiatrist.
  • Full Moon Silhouette: Animal'south "Go farewell bye!" scene at the terminate of "From a Galaxy Far, Far Away" has him flying on a bike with the conflicting who's actually a koala, referencing the famous scene from Due east.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
  • Good Affections, Bad Angel:
    • "The Great Cookie Robbery" had this happen with Baby Gonzo, when Nanny trusts him to share with the residual of the babies to tide them over earlier lunch. The affections Gonzo says that he should indeed share them, while the devil Gonzo (decked out in a leather biker outfit) says that he should proceed them all to himself and not tell the other babies.
    • In "The Frog Who Knew Likewise Much", Kermit witnesses a surprise Nanny had planned for the babies, and Nanny makes him hope non to tell. When the other babies discover out, they desire to know what it is, so the devil Kermit suggests that he tell. Kermit is about to do and so, when the angel Kermit reminds him that he made a promise to Nanny, and that promises are meant to exist kept. This gets the devil Kermit to realize that the affections Kermit does have a point.
  • The Great Whodini: In "Fine Feathered Enemies", Gonzo does a few magic tricks under the name "The Neat Gonzini".
  • Growling Gut: It happens to nearly everyone (except for Gonzo) in "The Great Cookie Robbery". Nanny was late with making lunch, and she gave Gonzo the task of passing out cookies to tide everyone over until she could get information technology ready, but he ended up eating them for himself. At i point, Piggy snaps at Rowlf, thinking he's growling at her, simply for him to say information technology'south his breadbasket.
  • Halfway Plot Switch: Many episodes seem to starting time this way. The kids are usually involved in some sort of gang or group fantasy, until a little after, something arises (usually started by Nanny) that completely changes the focus of the episode. Such examples include...
    • "Dental Hijinks" starts with the babies pretending they are in a big motorcar race, until they crash, giving Fozzie a loose tooth and triggering the episode'southward master plot.
    • "Eight Take Away I Equals Panic" begins with the babies pretending they are flying on an airliner aeroplane, until they eavesdrop Nanny on the telephone and remember she's planning on getting rid of one of them. (She was on the phone with a charity and actually looking at getting rid of an onetime chair from the nursery only was having problem deciding which i; naturally, with the babies only hearing part of her finish of the chat ... .)/spoiler
    • "What Practise You Want to Exist When Y'all Grow Up?" has a variation of this, with the babies pretending to exist hospital surgeons and Fozzie every bit their patient (in a possible reference to "Veterinarian's Hospital"), and later on playing that, Gonzo mentions he want to be a doctor like that when he grows upward. This gets the other babies to showtime stating what they want to be when they abound up, but Kermit can't decide what he wants to be, getting the primary plot underway.
    • "Close Encounters of the Frog Kind" begins with the babies interim out a bank robbery and showdown in The Wild W (with Gonzo as "the Lone Weirdo"), until Nanny comes in with Kermit'due south infant nephew Robin, changing the focus of the story altogether.
    • "Gonzo'southward Video Evidence" starts with the babies pretending they are enjoying a day out at the beach, until Nanny arrives and lets them infringe her video camera she rented to make some fun videos with it.
    • "Piggy's Hyper-Action Volume" begins with the kids spending a rainy day trying to build a house out of cardboard boxes until it collapses, and so the babies decide to play with an activity book, thus getting the chief plot underway.
    • "Fozzie's Last Laugh" begins with the babies playing "school," with Piggy as the teacher. When she gives Fozzie an "F" for all his bad jokes, Fozzie decides to surrender comedy, which turns out to be the principal plot.
    • "The Muppet Broadcasting Company" opens with the babies trying a domino setup, until it leads to an statement. Then a sudden thunderstorm knocks out the ability and Gonzo thinks it's an conflicting invasion. When the babies complain they can't do anything without electricity, Nanny recommends they listen to some archetype radio shows she saved on tape cassettes, which gets the main plot underway.
    • "Bad Luck Bear" starts with the babies in the bathtub pretending they are whale-hunting (with Gonzo as the whale), until Fozzie breaks a mirror and everyone believes he has bad luck.
    • "Water Babies" begins with the babies pretending they are in an Abandoned Mine tunnel (really a series of cardboard boxes) looking for treasure, until Nanny comes in with an aquarium of fish.
    • "Where No Muppet Has Gone Earlier" begins with the babies reenacting Lewis and Clark'south expedition to the Pacific, until Nanny comes in with Babe Bunsen and Chalice, who have come over to spend the night. Bunsen then begins instruction the babies about space, getting the main plot going.
    • "Beach Blanket Babies" begins with the babies playing an impromptu game of mini-golf, until Nanny comes in with new bathing suits for them and a small wading pool.
  • Handcuffed Briefcase: One of their Imagine Spots had Kermit every bit a secret agent trying to transport a briefcase like this, and the others being enemy agents trying to steal it in 1 of those mystery on the train scenarios. Their attempts to steal it got pretty blatant, upward to Gonzo trying to hide it under his lid while it was still cuffed to Kermit'southward wrist!
  • Hair-Trigger Audio Effect: In "The Muppet Dissemination Visitor," Gonzo played The Weirdo in 1 of the kids' radio shows, and every time his name was mentioned, Rowlf played a Musical Sting on the piano. Eventually, Gonzo got tired of information technology and asked Rowlf to knock it off.
  • Here We Go Once more!:
    • The episode "Proficient, Make clean Fun", where the babies accidentally break Nanny's lamp and make up for it by making her some luncheon, ends with the babies breaking Nanny'due south calibration.
    • "Muppets Non Included" has the children attempt to decide what an object Nanny is looking for is used for. Later on Nanny explains to them that the object is a tea strainer, the children then get into an argument over what the tea strainer is used for, some of their interpretations resulting from mishearing "tea strainer" equally something else. Kermit even says "Here we go again" at the finish of the episode.
  • Hidden Depths: Piggy e'er cast herself as the Distressed Dryad Princess Classic in their make-believe adventures, but to usually end up saying something like, "Gimme that stupid sword!"
  • Honorary Uncle: Statler and Waldorf are this to the babies.
  • Hypocritical Sense of humour:
    • "Snow White and the Vii Muppets" has Piggy protest to playing the villain of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

    Piggy: I'm not playing any wicked queen! Why... I haven't got a DROP of wicked in me!!!

    • Gonzo makes fun of Fozzie for sleeping with a teddy carry in "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Night?", but stops when Fozzie pulls Camilla out from behind his back.
    • The "Go Goodbye Bye" segment of "Half dozen-to-8 Weeks" has Gonzo suggest that one of the weird things he could include in his clubhouse would be talking furniture, an idea which is ridiculed past actual talking furniture.
  • "I Am" Song: In the total version of the Opening Theme:
  • I Just Want to Be Special:
    • One episode dealt with Scooter feeling similar his computer abilities were nothing compared to the other kids' areas of expertise. Oh, if simply he'd been born afterward...
    • In one episode, the babies try to effigy out how to relate with Gonzo ameliorate by finding ways where they are really weird besides. It worked besides well, and Gonzo wound up coming to the determination that he wasn't really weird and if he wasn't a 'weirdo', and then he wasn't anything at all. Of course, for the Muppet Babies version of Gonzo, being labeled "weird" was always a point of pride.
  • "I Want" Song: "The Biggest Little Pig In Hollywood" in the episode "This Trivial Piggy Went To Hollywood".
  • I Will Show You Ten!: In "The Weirdo Zone", when the others finally start to sympathize Gonzo'south weirdness and beginning to human action weird themselves, Gonzo bets that Piggy can't deed weird. Piggy so says "Yous desire weird? I'll show y'all weird!", imagines that the nursery is fabricated entirely of processed, eats several of the objects in the candy plant nursery, and eventually floods the nursery with butterscotch, at which point Gonzo says that Piggy may be acting as well weird, even past his standards.
  • Imagine Spot: The babies did this a lot, often all partaking in the same spot together. Justified in that the main premise of the show was to bear witness how fun and important one'due south imagination can be.
  • Impact Silhouette: In the episode "Noisy Neighbors", the babies are pretending they are fighting each other at sea. Scooter sends Animate being down a ramp to hit the side of the box Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, and Miss Piggie are using as a submarine, and he creates a hole in it that's shaped exactly like him.
  • Insane Troll Logic: "Muppets Non Included" has a scene where Kermit and Animate being take to describe pictures while celebrities from the past guess what is existence drawn. When Animate being draws a smiley face up when told to draw a cow, Edward One thousand. Robinson correctly guesses that Animal was supposed to draw a moo-cow with the reasoning that smiley faces are drawn by happy children, children are made happy from drinking milk and milk comes from cows.
  • Irony: In "The Muppet Museum of Art", Skeeter slips on Gonzo's roller skate and twists her ankle, forcing Nanny to cancel a trip to an art museum to take care of her, and Gonzo has a guilt trip over ruining the trip they were all waiting for. The (dramatic) irony is we come across Skeeter slipping on one of Piggy's roller skates, and she swapped information technology with one of Gonzo'south to laissez passer the blame to him. The rest of the episode has the other babies making their own art museum for Skeeter, while Gonzo makes diverse works of art featuring Piggy, subconsciously sneaking a roller skate in; Piggy reacts negatively to each one as information technology reminds her that Skeeter'due south accident was her mistake. Additionally, Skeeter gets to stay in the living room with Nanny, watching Idiot box and drinking soda-pop while Nanny pampers her. Non a bad deal at all.
  • Jerkass Ball: Skeeter is uncharacteristically mean and unfair to Piggy in "Pigerella." When she and Scooter steal cupcakes from the kitchen, Piggy tries to put them dorsum merely gets defenseless and Wrongly Accused by Nanny for information technology, and Skeeter stops Scooter from confessing the truth. It's no wonder that when Piggy imagines herself as Cinderella afterwards, she imagines Skeeter as a Wicked Stepsister. Fortunately, in the stop she realizes her mistake and confesses to Nanny.
  • The Joy of X: The episode "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Night?", whose title references the song "Who'south Agape of the Big, Bad Wolf?" from the Disney curt The 3 Niggling Pigs.
  • Kids Hate Vegetables: Lampshaded and subverted in one episode. Gonzo threatens Kermit that he'll brand Kermit swallow all of his dark-green vegetables. Kermit just points out that he likes green vegetables because they put colour in his cheeks.
  • Kissed Keepsake: At the terminate of the episode "The Muppet Museum of Art", when Piggy apologizes to Gonzo for blaming him for leaving his roller skates out and causing Skeeter to trip and hurt herself, Gonzo says that he wants her to kiss him on the nose to make upwards for information technology. Piggy obliges, and a flattered Gonzo exclaims that he'll never wash his nose again.
  • "Knock Knock" Joke: In "Noisy Neighbors", Fozzie tries to tell a knock knock joke to the dragon in Piggy'southward story. Kermit tells him that dragons can't talk, so telling ane a knock knock joke would be useless.
  • Lame Rhyme Dodge:
    • In "Good Clean Fun", Kermit remarks that Piggy weighs more than he thought after she stands on him to reach the sink. When Piggy gets mad, Kermit hastily claims that he said "Those are the nicest shoes you bought".
    • "The Pig Who Would Be Queen" had Piggy claim to take said "You await just like your brother" to embrace up her complaints that by the time she was done with the quest given to her by Skeeter, she'd be a grandmother.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: "Babes in Troyland" had Medusa cease up turned to stone when Gonzo uses his photographic camera to deflect her petrifying gaze. Later, Medusa tumbles over and shatters into pieces.
  • Petty Miss Snarker: Piggy, when she's not being a Tsundere.
  • Expect Backside You: In "The Great Cookie Robbery", Gonzo distracts the others by maxim there's a flight dinosaur with tennis shoes so that he tin swallow ane of the cookies he was supposed to requite to them to tide them over while Nanny prepares lunch. When the others signal out there'southward nada there, he changes his mind, saying it was probably just an unidentified flight donut.
  • Lost Vox Plot: In the episode "Once Upon an Egg Timer", Rowlf loses his vocalism. The others take turns telling a story to cheer him upwardly.
  • Mad Love Triangle: Piggy'due south beat on Kermit, and Gonzo's crush on Piggy. Things can get crazy. What with Piggy not wanting anyone or annihilation to go between her and Kermit, and with Gonzo always pouring his center out to Piggy just to go thrashed by her.
  • The Man in the Moon: In "The Groovy Cookie Robbery", Kermit explains a weird dream he had where he rides a train into space. The babies imagine that the moon has a face and eats their train as it enters infinite.
  • May the Farce Exist with You: The last stretch of "Gonzo's Video Bear witness" is a Star Wars parody, and smaller-scale sendups appear in other episodes.
  • Mock Cousteau: "Water Babies" had Gonzo doing this while the babies all imagined exploring underwater.
  • The Proper noun Is Bond, James Bail: "The Frog Who Knew Too Much" featured an imagination sequence based on James Bail where Kermit at ane point says "The name'southward Frog, Kermit the Frog".
  • Narrative Shapeshifting: Baby Beaker, while explaining his fear of the monster under his bed to the other babies (since, like Adult Beaker, all he can say is "Meep!").
  • Newhart Phonecall: In "Eight Have Away Ane Equals Panic", Miss Piggy imagines she's running a lemonade ice company. She gets a couple of phone calls, one telling her that the president of the United States has bought two billion dollars worth of lemonade water ice and another telling her that they're running out of lemons to use in the lemonade ice. For both phone calls, the person calling Piggy cannot be heard speaking.
  • Not Quite Starring: A weird example: none of the original puppeteers reprised their roles as their corresponding characters. (Didn't happen with the Fraggle Rock Animated Adaptation either.)
  • Ocular Gushers: In "The Case of the Missing Chicken", Fozzie starts to cry with tears that gush out of his eyes when he is being interrogated past Gonzo, who thinks he'southward the one who took his plush chicken Camilla.
  • Off-Model: It is a Marvel Productions cartoon (encounter also My Trivial Pony)... But then AKOM took over...
  • Off to See the Magician: 1 of the stories the kids spoof in "Past The Book" is The Wizard of Oz. Piggy is the cherry-red sneaker-wearing Pigorothy, Rowlf is her Toto stand-in Rowlf-Rowlf, Kermit is the Scarefrog (who needs a new job because he sucks at scaring crows), Gonzo is the Tin can Weirdo (who needs a new nose because his metal 1 keeps falling off), Fozzie is the Cowardly Comic (who needs courage to not be scared by the tomatoes people throw at him), Scooter is the gender-flipped Giddy Sorcerer of the Southward, Aninmal is the (unseen) Wicked Witch's flight monkey, and Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker double equally the Sorcerer.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In the offset two seasons Howie Mandel, a Canadian actor, was the voice of Skeeter, Bunsen, and Animal. Occasionally i of them would say sorry equally sorr-ee. Though in Animal's case, that's a shut approximation of how Frank Oz' Animal says it.
  • Paper People: In "Noisy Neighbors", Gonzo imagines he'southward the superhero Super Gonzo. He is in an elevator with his crush, Piggy Lane, when the rope on the elevator breaks and the elevator starts to fall. Gonzo transforms into Super Gonzo and stops the elevator, only to exist Squashed Flat by Piggy. Super Gonzo remains in his squashed grade until he leaves the room and comes back every bit normal Gonzo.
  • Phrase Catcher: Fozzie normally catches a WHAT???? from the others when he comes upwards with some bizarre scenarios.
  • Pirate Daughter: In ane episode, the kids pretended to exist treasure hunters and encountered a trio of female pirates.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: Scooter and Skeeter. Scooter is a shy computer geek and Skeeter is an outgoing tomboy.
  • Pounds are Animal Prisons: Discussed and subverted in the episode What'due south New at the Zoo? Rowlf applies this trope to zoos because they remind him of dog pounds by keeping animals in cages. Nanny explains to Rowlf that many zoos don't use cages anymore, and shows him the importance of zoos to preserving beast life. By the end, Rowlf changes his view and is at present anxious to visit the zoo.
  • Produce Rain: Whenever Fozzie tells one of his bad jokes, he's usually pelted with tomatoes, bananas, and similar foods.

    Fozzie: "Something tells me I oughta give up comedy and go into the tomato sauce business."

  • Pun-Based Title: The episode title "Dental Hyjinks" is a pun on "dental hygiene". The episode is well-nigh Fozzie having to get to the dentist to get a loose molar removed.
  • Real-Identify Background: Frequently in the Imagine Spots the babies will announced in backgrounds which are plain taken from existent life.
  • The Real Spoofbusters: In the episode "Problems-Busting Babies", Gonzo leads the babies into a team called the Issues Busters to catch the bug messing upward Scooter's calculator programme. The episode besides spoofs the Ray Parker Jr song from the 1984 movie, and features Problems Busters and a car similar to the Ghostbusters and their Ecto-1.
  • Redheads Are Uncool: Scooter is a klutzy redheaded computer nerd. Averted with his Polar Opposite Twin, the able-bodied Fiery Redhead Skeeter.
  • Reference Overdosed: The various moving picture clips that are sampled easily land this show firmly in this trope.
  • Rejection Affection: Gonzo continually woos Piggy, despite her greeting his advances with contempt and karate chops. This is borrowed from The Muppet Evidence, where it occurred less oft.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Skeeter. Equally of the first episode, she was merely plain always there.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: In "Of Mice and Muppets", Piggy tells anybody her own version of the story of the Pied Piper. Her version of the story is presented in the same style as a Dr. Seuss book, correct down to the dialogue rhyming (until Piggy tells Kermit to stop with the rhyming, at least).
  • Ridiculously Beautiful Critter: Beaker.
  • Roger Rabbit Effect: Due to the show oft sampling footage from live-activeness films, the animated babies sometimes appear adjacent to and interact with live-activeness actors. I notable example is an Imagine Spot in "The Incredible Shrinking Weirdo", where an animated Infant Gonzo interacts with a alive-action adult Kermit. A clip from The Muppet Show (Episode 223: John Cleese) was used for this scene, with Frank Welker dubbing new lines for the developed Kermit and Baby Gonzo disordered into the scene.
    • It's besides prominently featured in "Puss north' Boots n' Babies," where the babies look afterwards Officer Carruthers's live-action pet kitten.
  • Runaway Train: Combined with DIY Dentistry in "Dental Hyjinks." In order to get Fozzie'south loose tooth out then he doesn't have to be taken to the dentist about information technology, the remainder of the babies tie Fozzie'due south molar to a toy train and offset it up, simply the train ends upwardly jumping its' tracks and running all across the nursery, sending Fozzie flight forth behind. The train eventually ends up crashing and making a mess of the nursery, but the molar is not pulled out.
  • Running Gag: What will they find in the cupboard this fourth dimension?
  • Sadistic Game Show: Kermit has an Imagine Spot nearly hosting one in "Dental Hijinks" after Fozzie is taken to the dentist for his loose tooth. The game testify is called Tooth or Consequences, and the contestant (Fozzie) must respond a question correctly, or get one of his teeth drilled by their champion, The Dentist, with a very big drill.
  • Santa Claus: In "Piggerella", when Piggy imagines she's in the story of Cinderella, Skeeter, who is playing 1 of Cinderella's stepsisters, tells Piggy as Cinderella to make clean the chimney. Piggy asks who would get in the chimney, and immediately afterwards Animal comes out of the chimney dressed as Santa Claus. Animal leaves after Skeeter tells him that Santa doesn't appear in this story.
  • Scary Flashlight Confront: Skeeter does this at the end of Gonzo's mystery tour in "Muppetland." When confronting Gonzo for stealing part of her planned theme park attraction, she approaches Gonzo's tram holding a flashlight upwards to her face up and smiling, and and so information technology fades to a clip of the Phantom of the Opera before the others scream in fright and the Imagine Spot ends.
  • Scooby Stack: In "Raiders of the Lost Muppet", the babies peek through the door of the nursery room stacked on top of each other in this fashion.
  • Seashell Bra: In "Bad Luck Bear", when the gang imagines themselves as mermaids, Piggy and Skeeter both wear seashell bras.
  • Secret Path: The babies think Brute found 1 in "Is There a Muppet in the Business firm?" after Rowlf tells them about an old horror picture he saw the dark earlier where secret passages were featured. It turned out to be an old dumbwaiter. Past the stop, Nanny explains how they were used and that they shouldn't play around in it.
  • Shooting Gallery: The Muppets are fantasizing that they're at a funfair and Fozzie decides to endeavour his luck at a shooting gallery, but he misses every shot. Rowlf steps upward and suggests that maybe his problem was he forgot to say "bang" when he fired. He so demonstrates and hits every target. Fozzie says he wants to try again, but instead of proverb "bang", he says "Nail!" The shooting gallery then explodes.
  • Shorttank: Skeeter wears shorts and is tomboyish. Although, there are times when she doesn't mind wearing a dress in the imaginations.
  • Shout-Out: How many movie references did they have?
    • A Star Wars one (merely like the original Muppet Show) where Kermit was Luke, Miss Piggy was Leia, and Animal was Vader. (Now, that is incommunicable, Luke.) They also did Indiana Jones.
    • Muppet Babies runneth over with Star Wars references, in fact. Thank you to how shut Henson Productions and Lucasfilm were at the time, Lucas basically gave the Henson crew free rein to make equally many references as they liked without fear of lawyers, a privilege they used as much as they could. The target audition being relatively familiar with the works due to their fame helped matters a lot, besides.
      • However, it would seem that this concluded upwards being a trouble anyway years later as a major factor for why the show has no DVD/Blu Ray release (along with the multitude of other live action snippets). On the other hand, with Disney now owning both the Muppet and Star Wars franchises (along with Marvel, which also had a big hand in making the show), a solution is seemingly possible.
    • Some other episode had Scooter and Piggy re-enacting Nanny'south favorite moving picture, The African Queen.
    • "Prissy to Have Gnome You" is based around shout-outs to (and extensive footage from) Labyrinth and The Witches (1990)'', 2 of Jim Henson's non-Muppet productions.
    • In that location's a part when Beast comes out of a toy chest dressed in medieval garb while clicking a pair of coconuts together.
    • "It's Simply Pretendo" is based around gentle spoofs/pastiches of diverse Nintendo Entertainment Arrangement games, plus Frogger, Fantasy Zone and of all things, Keith Courage in Alpha Zones.
    • In "The Daily Muppet," Gonzo pretends to be a paper photographer, just like his developed cocky in The Not bad Muppet Caper... and just like in that movie, he says "Cease the presses!" for no good reason.
  • Sick Episode: In "Scooter's Uncommon Cold," Scooter catches a common cold, and in "Slipping Dazzler," Piggy catches the chicken pox.
  • Signature Laugh:
    • Fauna's "Yeah-aye-aye-yeah-yep-aye!"
    • Fozzie'southward nasal, bleating "Heheheheheh!"
    • Skeeter has a distinctive giggle too, which started out as "Ha-ha-ha" when Howie Mandel voiced her, but became "Tee-hee-hee" after Frank Welker took over.
  • Slippery Skid: In "Fine Feathered Enemies", during the vocal "Remember to Love", Fozzie accidentally spills gumballs from a gumball machine all over the sidewalk, and the others cease up slipping on the gumballs.
  • Ophidian Charmer: In "Fozzie's Last Laugh", Gonzo explains to Fozzie that to be funny, you have to be unexpected. The example Gonzo uses is to play his nose like a flute and summon a construction worker from a nearby manhole in typical snake charmer fashion.
  • Spin-Off Babies: The Trope Codifier of an adaptation where the characters are made younger. The very premise of this cartoon is the Muppets every bit toddlers.
  • The Stinger: At the end of every episode, Animal would say "Gooooooooo bye-adieu!"
  • Stock Beast Name: The parrot in the episode "Fine Feathered Enemies" is named Polly.
  • Stock Femur Os: In "Close Encounters of the Frog Kind", Skeeter and Scooter pretend to run a bank. Rowlf gives them a bone of this kind to keep in the depository financial institution.
  • Direct Man: Rowlf tends to serve as a stoic person reacting to the antics of the wackier characters.
  • Straying Infant: Animal on more than than on occasion wanders off with the other babies having to keep him out of trouble.
  • Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: In "Out-of-This-World History", in the song "Yankee Putter Rock", Fozzie starts to sing "Yankee Doodle" when Rowlf cuts in with this line:

    Fozzie: Yankee Doodle went to boondocks riding on a pony, stuck a plumage in his head and called it...

    Rowlf: Lasagna!

  • Superstition Episode: In "Bad Luck Deport", the gang learns about superstitions after Fozzie breaks a mirror and is convinced he'll have seven years of bad luck. The others assist Fozzie to turn his luck effectually.
  • Surprisingly Functional Toys: In "Close Encounters of the Frog Kind", Kermit's little nephew Robin drives a toy car like an bodily car when the gang looks for him so that they tin can put him back in his fish bowl.
  • That'southward All, Folks!: At the end of every episode, Animal would say "Gooooooooo bye-bye!"
  • Theme Tune Curl Phone call: A variation: the characters, rather than giving their names, say what they like or what they practise.
  • This Page Will Self-Destruct:
    • In "The Example of the Missing Craven", Gonzo imagines he'south a spy and is informed through his shoe-phone that both his costly craven Camilla and the president'due south socks accept been stolen. He is then informed that his phone will self-destruct in five seconds, and the phone blows up on him.
    • In "Pigarella," Gonzo hides in a drawer and pretends to ship a message to Scooter with his olfactory organ as the transmitter. At the cease he says "My nose volition self-destruct in ii seconds," and then sneezes, blasting the drawer, and Scooter, several feet forwards.
  • Time-Passage Beard:
    • "Eight Have-Away 1 Equals Panic" has an Imagine Spot from Gonzo where all of the babies, including Skeeter and Piggy, have grown long gray beards past the time they run across each other again afterwards a hundred years.
    • In "6-to-Viii Weeks"' musical number "Waiting for Yous", which has the children lament how hard information technology is for them to wait for their playhouse to make it in the mail, one role shows Kermit and Gonzo with long grayness beards while throwing a brawl at each other.
  • Time-Travel Episode: "Back to the Nursery" is near Fozzie accidentally spilling hot cocoa on a photograph in Nanny'due south yearbook. The babies then build their own pretend Time Machine and imagine they go back in fourth dimension to recreate the photo.
  • Toilet Preparation Plot: Ii books based on the series, "Goodbye-Bye Diapers" and "I Tin Get Potty" respectively focus on Piggy and Kermit existence potty-trained.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Piggy and Skeeter respectively (No, we did not become that mixed up — Piggy dresses in pinkish, bows, and lace, and karate chops anyone when they set off her Pilus-Trigger Temper, whereas Skeeter is a pants-wearing athlete, but sweeter and much more mellow.)
  • Molar Fairy: In "Dental Hyjinks", Fozzie imagines Gonzo as the Tooth Fairy, who refuses to requite Fozzie i million dollars since his loose molar hasn't come out nonetheless. Kermit and then appears and says he wants to give Fozzie double that amount. Cue several of the other Muppets actualization and offering Fozzie even more coin than that, with each Muppet offering double the previous Muppet's corporeality.
  • Totem Pole Trench: In "Of Mice and Muppets", the babies help Gonzo, who is imagining he'due south been trapped along with several mice past the Wall Wonker, by stacking themselves on top of each other, wearing a large trench coat, and pretending to be an fifty-fifty bigger Wonker who informs the other Wonker that he's failed his job and has to get dorsum to his home planet.
  • Tough Room: Fozzie getting pelted by tomatoes for telling bad jokes.
  • Truck Driver's Gear Change: Many of their songs accept this.
  • Tsundere: As in all Muppet productions, Piggy is a mix between this and Yandere.
  • Valentine's Twenty-four hours Episode: In "My Muppet Valentine", the babies attempt to cheer upwardly Rowlf when Nanny forgets to give him his Valentine's cookie.
  • Vocal Development:
    • In the early episodes, Gonzo and Rowlf's voices were more gruff, as if their phonation actresses were trying to sound closer to their adult counterparts. Their voices got more college and relaxed by the end of the season.
    • Likewise in the early episodes, Fozzie spoke with a stilted accent vaguely like to how the adult Fozzie sounded in the first flavor of The Muppet Show. As the flavor went on, his voice got more relaxed and more like the familiar Fozzie from the later Muppet Bear witness seasons and movies.
  • The Walls Are Closing In: In "Raiders of the Lost Muppet", Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Fozzie imagine they're exploring the Temple of Doom and stop upward stuck in a room where the ceiling is closing in on them. Piggy uses Fozzie's propeller hat as a drill to brand a pigsty in the ceiling to use every bit an go out.
  • Wingding Eyes: There are several instances where Gonzo's eyes turn into hearts as he is admiring Piggy.
  • When the Clock Strikes Twelve: "Pigerella" had Piggy imagining herself as Cinderella. Gonzo, the Fairy God-Weirdo, changed it to vii for a similar reason information technology was done to Casper in his pic. Gonzo told her that, considering they're kids, they can't stay awake up to midnight.
  • Word, Schmord!: In "Of Mice and Muppets", Gonzo goes into the closet to look for Officeholder Carruthers' pet mouse Peewee. He imagines that he and several mice are captured past the Wall Wonker, who wants to use them to power a treadmill that will let him harness all of the world'south electricity and Take Over the World. He and then realizes Gonzo isn't running on the treadmill and asks why the "mouse" isn't running. Gonzo clarifies that he's a weirdo, to which the Wall Wonker replies with "Weirdo scmeirdo! Why aren't yous running?"
  • Writer's Block: Shows up in one case where Piggy and Gonzo literally ran into a writers (toy)cake and Gonzo explained this trope. It was solved in the near zany style possible - writer's termites.
  • You're Cute When You're Angry: In "Piggy'southward Hyper-Activity Book", the babies make paper dolls from an activity book. Gonzo imagines he tries to kiss a paper doll of Piggy, commenting that he tin kiss it all he wants without it honking his nose... only for it to come up to life, indistinguishable itself into three, and honk his nose, to which Gonzo replies with "Isn't she cute when she's aroused?"


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